Table of Contents


This is a list of all known versions of Wolfenstein 3-D and it also includes all known changes between the versions. 1)

Wolfenstein 3-D was developed by id Software and released as a Shareware, 3-Episode and 6-Episode version. A package called “Nocturnal Missions” was also distributed which upgraded the 3-Episode version into the 6-Episode version.
During Alpha stages there were also separate EGA and VGA versions, but the EGA version was dropped later on in development.

Changelog status: Excellent

Development versions

Version 1.0 (1992-03-12) Alpha

Compiled March 12, 1992
EGA and VGA versions

Changes compared to Version 1.0 (1992-05-05)

Gameplay differences

General differences

Graphical differences

Audio differences

Level design differences


Missing features



File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
12.03.1992  01:37               576 AUDIOHED.WL1 178e747da0d6ad92a1551eca8e15d42c
12.03.1992  01:37            77.265 AUDIOT.WL1   1b3a55cb26b390af3f3ccf636df554cf
18.04.1992  06:08             1.103 HELPART.WL1  2eeec38c754bbd2aaab5cfe10527501a
12.03.1992  01:29               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  926ab17693b130ccc236c44518a425d6
12.03.1992  01:23            62.660 MAPTEMP.WL1  f68e19c2b6ba6321cb8a0b9c5c02e780
18.04.1992  06:07               150 ORDERART.WL1 60ee000af9529e92108a4bd567aead1a
18.04.1992  06:05             3.971 README.WL1   96a0c9adca4fe4af36c2a0503265ae99
12.03.1992  01:29             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  a61ce00c9a890764d729f9415be71b7e
12.03.1992  01:29           195.624 VGAGRAPH.WL1 016486fd3f14c477d5af3594fdf22f69
12.03.1992  01:29             1.281 VGAHEAD.WL1  58476125be7ec77afc8b93bfe12c50a7
12.03.1992  00:00           561.192 VSWAP.WL1    9d75e163ad3dfec0534b45520c61c17c
12.03.1992  01:40            83.375 WOLF1V.EXE   b5753a62c2495f2cdb2dfec909bd3e1c
18.04.1992  06:06               191 WOLFART.WL1  29ed23e6a0858dadf6572f2466d85717
              13 Datei(en),        988.814 Bytes

... and what about this?

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
17.04.2003  07:01            83.380 WOLF1V.EXE   20c97c75c79d54c11959e4e2e3d9526c


Version 1.0 (1992-03-14) Beta

Thanks to gerolf 👍

Compiled March 14, 1992
VGA version


Dear Beta Tester:

You have been selected to Beta-test Id Software's hot new game, 
Wolfenstein 3-D.  If you do NOT have an account on Software Creations, 
you MUST get an account before you can access Id Software's BETA 
CONFERENCE (63).  The numbers are (508) 365-9668 [9600 baud], 
(508) 368-4137 [2400] &  (508) 365-9669 [1200].  After you are 
registered on Software Creations, you should go into Conference 63 
and download Wolfenstein 3-D.

There will be a Beta Form included in the .ZIP file that you should 
fill out and upload back into the Conference.  Periodically, there 
will be more recent Beta uploads from us that you should download.  
Included with them will be a list of the bugs that were fixed since 
the last upload.

You will be Beta testing parts 1-3: the entire trilogy.  Part One in 
VGA will be first for beta, then EGA of Part One, then Parts Two and 
Three in both video modes.

We want you to find as many bugs as possible in this game (except for 
those listed below).  Try really weird things, try to break this game 
down -- we dare ya!  Please run through all 3 difficulty modes 
("Don't Hurt Me", "Bring 'Em On", and "I am Death incarnate!") and 
list any bugs you find.  Try and find all the hidden areas!

We want your honest opinions about this game.  If you are a big Keen 
fan, this may NOT be the game for you.  But, if you're the kind that 
could get into Wing Commander, you'll love this game.  Any suggestions 
on improving the game in ANY way will be appreciated.

These are the things NOT finished at this Beta so far:
* A complete Demo loop
* End-of-level Bonus Screen
* Between-level Screen
* High Scores finished
* The readable text within the game (Read This! and Ordering Info)
* End of Game stuff (win or lose)

Please upload your forms as soon as possible, we don't have a lot of 
time before this game is released: April 15th.


John Romero
Id Software, Inc.

File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
13.03.1992  04:52               588 AUDIOHED.WL1 2eeb6213b6f3e14afb73cb9da307e027
13.03.1992  04:52            77.697 AUDIOT.WL1   1ef6074f06bbff1e4f30a27edf48d707
14.03.1992  06:04             1.971 BETA.TXT     6383f95b6d684b4eee6b8bc6e07d1dff
12.03.1992  05:38             1.444 BETAFORM.TXT 3a0dde01e1d1f9b712aa5f72802a23d3
13.03.1992  06:42             4.280 DEMO0.WL1    47b314571bc72b0974b21cf4fbc8a717
29.02.1992  21:08             1.113 HELPART.WL1  52a5f46a5694e3a4c9e046b6a19b1c5e
14.03.1992  21:42               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  0baea3afe5d9aa56d41388ab30ae8f9a
14.03.1992  21:42            56.332 MAPTEMP.WL1  4a8426ce714ca01f2ea245da277ae9a6
29.02.1992  21:09               119 ORDERART.WL1 783b09dab6a87a6e1c867b85a37f66f8
14.03.1992  06:17             3.866 README.TXT   4eb5b60c3e3072c070ea7323882b3e90
14.03.1992  06:19             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  db3b956cc907335e11f8d0ba76038935
14.03.1992  06:19           206.582 VGAGRAPH.WL1 68a330519609e25829bbaa7bc511725f
14.03.1992  06:19             1.284 VGAHEAD.WL1  6b67b36782e1817eb1bfbaddd3bf84c3
14.03.1992  05:35           563.752 VSWAP.WL1    8d94b1e51b7f16d9688ab9d20e45528d
14.03.1992  06:37            84.211 WOLF1V.EXE   1eef965dea7d150c14949805b9906eb4
15.02.1992  02:08               170 WOLFART.WL1  177a91bf53b6f496859e69ff422ce8bd
              16 Datei(en),      1.004.835 Bytes


Version 1.0 (1992-04-13) Beta

Thanks to gerolf 👍

Compiled April 13, 1992
VGA version


Beta Testers:

This is the final BETA release for Wolfenstein 3-D, Episode One: Escape
From Wolfenstein.  In the upcoming weeks we will be working on episodes
2-6, so stay tuned for more Nazi-blasting and Big Boss surprises!

Things fixed/added in this BETA since last time:

* Jason has added STEREO SOUND for those of you that have the NEW Sound
  Blaster Pro!  Hear a Nazi yell to your left, you hear it through the
  left speaker!  Cool!  Make sure you read the SB_NOTE.TXT file to see
  how you need to set up your IRQ, etc. if you have your card set
  differently than the factory defaults.

* For those of you who are sick enough, we added the DogYipe digitized
  sound!  (hehe)

* There are now RATIOs at the end of each level, plus the time it took
  you to get through.  There's also a PAR TIME -- if you beat it, you
  will be getting MEGAPOINTS!  If you can't get anywhere near the time,
  you are NOT an expert Wolfenstein player.  The PAR times were taken
  from me (John Romero) playing with both the mouse AND keyboard, cruising
  through each room towards the elevator (not really blazing through),
  killing everything in each room, then adding 30 seconds to the time.
  An excellent example of the speed achieved with mouse&keyboard movement
  is demonstrated by the DEMO.  Let the game go from the Title screen,
  Credits, then DEMO and you'll see.  At least the PARs give you something
  to work towards!  Also, the RATIOs tell you how many percent of the
  KILLABLE objects you toasted, SECRET passages you found, and percent of
  TREASURE you got.  If you get 100% on any of these -- BONUS!

* The DEMO mode only works correctly the FIRST time you run the game.
  We're working on fixing this, believe you me!

* We added an F7 (QuickSave) and F8 (QuickLoad) that is TRULY FAST!  If
  you're having trouble getting through this game -- no longer a problem!
  If you haven't selected a SAVENAME the first time you play, you will be
  thrown into the F2 SAVE GAME screen.  Afterwards, the game just says
  "Saving..." for less than a second!

* We added a "BABY MODE" for everyone that can't even handle "Don't Hurt Me!".
  Yes, even your girlfriends can play this game!

* The Big Boss Dude is lots easier to kill (you can even kill him with a
  machine gun!).  The end of the game isn't finished yet, as well as the
  articles "Read This!" and "Ordering Info".

* The sliding walls now SLIDE!  They look VERY COOL!  The noise they make
  when they are triggered is kinda soft, so we're beefing that up a bit.

* Can everyone find the hidden level? (WITHOUT USING W-F10?)  It's been
  totally re-drawn!

* We added Mouse Sensitivity!  No more MouseArm affliction!  (Hopefully)
  Let Uncle John give you a little hint: Don't just use the mouse by itself!
  Use the mouse AND the keyboard!  I use the mouse for turning left & right,
  firing and strafing.  Use the keys for accelerated turning, moving forward
  and backward, and for Super Speed (SHIFT KEY).  Only by mastering this
  control combination can you declare yourself a Master Wolfenstein Player.

* That annoying flashing thing in the top-left-corner is GONE!  TOAST!

* Whenever you hear a dog barking, but don't see anything but guards --
  you know what I'm talking about -- THAT'S BECAUSE THE DOGS HAVE BETTER

Everybody -- back to slogging through the castle once more!  Tell me if you
have any problems or find any bugs!  Above all -- HAVE FUN!

John Romero
Id Software, Inc.

File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
12.04.1992  23:15               648 AUDIOHED.WL1 9032bdb814426761d85f0263e89a3adc
12.04.1992  23:15            86.752 AUDIOT.WL1   745a70a7c86e082015761a2955304546
14.03.1992  08:04             1.971 BETA.TXT     6383f95b6d684b4eee6b8bc6e07d1dff
12.03.1992  07:38             1.444 BETAFORM.TXT 3a0dde01e1d1f9b712aa5f72802a23d3
13.04.1992  01:23             7.308 DEMO0.WL1    acb6bf99eda0bfae9b7dce548c24ec55
27.02.1992  04:35             2.136 DEMO1.WL1    7f19b88223b8e18557d39e10f6f5c35d
26.02.1992  22:38             1.078 HELPART.WL1  4953f28e562fbdb7ea0c6fb28e080ccb
11.04.1992  22:03               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  22e329a69b101a5fc7e64eb8d7b81952
11.04.1992  22:03            70.768 MAPTEMP.WL1  9fed97e036bf1419317fd9b50011b529
25.02.1992  23:26               140 ORDERART.WL1 2b137175bdef454b2c067bed8ca5bbe3
13.04.1992  06:52             3.640 READ_ME.TXT  4644d1a9b70dc284a2f9ecfbca7add40
13.04.1992  06:29             1.303 SB_NOTE.TXT  ffe13b7812b3d54c9da37910fa31d13e
11.04.1992  03:35             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  01193e402fd1f5b3d3a4218d639b3e90
11.04.1992  03:35           296.894 VGAGRAPH.WL1 f73a7efcda1ba860f9f8d1cea074dfdb
11.04.1992  03:35             1.635 VGAHEAD.WL1  189804e6baa05ff713e65d18785aa9e3
11.04.1992  04:09           737.844 VSWAP.WL1    a487b767ef0ec11417f6286f8c07868e
13.04.1992  06:22            87.943 WOLF1V.EXE   186abebeb24fef4d57849b1088391adc
15.02.1992  04:08               170 WOLFART.WL1  177a91bf53b6f496859e69ff422ce8bd
              18 Datei(en),      1.303.100 Bytes


Version 1.0 (1992-04-late) Apogee Beta

Thanks to gerolf 👍

Compiled late April, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.


Wolfenstein 3-D Copyright 1992 Id Software
Published by Apogee Software Productions

Please do NOT distribute.  This version of Wolfenstein 3-D is NOT
shareware, nor in the public domain.  It cannot be distributed by
any person without Apogee's written permission.

The final version will be released May 1st, 1992 into shareware.

This version is incomplete, and contains known bugs.  This version will
only allow itself to be played a pre-determined number of times, then
it will cease to function.  It will stop working beyond May 1st, 1992.
These safety measures are necessary because many of our other beta
versions have been circulated on bulletin boards.  These measures are
simply our way of playing-it-safe.

Scott Miller

General differences

Graphical changes


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
28.12.2014  03:59               712 AUDIOHED.WL1 05d3f03f4acbf4e0695349c1ee32a121
28.12.2014  03:59           233.828 AUDIOT.WL1   b0299cafd39183931a6aecce2ddbfb0c
28.12.2014  03:59             7.308 DEMO0.WL1    d627c333716f695d4959f9aefc898ba7
28.12.2014  03:59             2.136 DEMO1.WL1    7f19b88223b8e18557d39e10f6f5c35d
28.12.2014  03:59             1.160 HELPART.WL1  30cdfb97974dee1179a9b2bfa821c49d
28.12.2014  03:59               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  1132bd8452125835ebfcd17d54250a73
28.12.2014  03:59            94.670 MAPTEMP.WL1  5b794e4aa8d55f7d14ba8c983c6b0618
28.12.2014  03:59                70 ORDERART.WL1 c42722fc0901f399a1c2d7f4b3febd01
28.12.2014  03:59               801 READ-NOW.DOC a683226adeed720d6541e6d2434d4b65
28.12.2014  03:59             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  657e5ea4b4aba79b6652f47d2c935d10
28.12.2014  03:59           298.962 VGAGRAPH.WL1 3253def1c6cd2704dc03e2891437394e
28.12.2014  03:59             1.635 VGAHEAD.WL1  3074939622aff30d2059a69553f47236
28.12.2014  03:59           800.824 VSWAP.WL1    ef036e448ce164e4c43749f584f1fe7b
28.12.2014  04:12            86.525 WOLF1V.EXE   5655d5eb5b2423007f27719305365a46
28.12.2014  03:59                70 WOLFART.WL1  c42722fc0901f399a1c2d7f4b3febd01
              15 Datei(en),      1.530.127 Bytes


Initial release

Version 1.0 (1992-05-05)

Released May 5, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as Shareware version

Graphical changes

File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
05.05.1992  11:00               988 AUDIOHED.WL1 27c5bf36ceb771c20cec105153ca4ee7
05.05.1992  11:00           130.696 AUDIOT.WL1   8bdadb421e5327a88830c8c560b79835
05.05.1992  11:00               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  ed41668f5f1af0c9bcf0464961b9e4cd
05.05.1992  11:00            56.618 MAPTEMP.WL1  75668c68d30ce3b5d3c3be8354201a7a
05.05.1992  11:00             1.057 README.WL1   35dc44e7e3db5d2aa4b4816adb3728ac
05.05.1992  11:00             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  5679026c03e91995bf3f74ed0d7b8d4c
05.05.1992  11:00           295.394 VGAGRAPH.WL1 917a3a8a0d1a57afbc336993403cfbb6
05.05.1992  11:00               447 VGAHEAD.WL1  00001991fe97e9811daa1e9b7a490340
05.05.1992  11:00           707.072 VSWAP.WL1    50aebc9edc2de0c0a4622a7a59ae2097
05.05.1992  11:00            94.379 WOLF3D.EXE   a5a5fc03016b06ac6df5f3e302ca65b3
              10 Datei(en),      1.288.077 Bytes


Development versions

Version 1.1 (1992-05-14) 3-Episode Beta

Thanks to gerolf 👍

Compiled May 14, 1992
VGA version



Okay, here's all three episodes to test.

We need to know:

o  If it ever blows up
o  If any levels are too hard or too easy
o  "   "  bosses "    "   "   "   "   "
o  If any levels look drab and boring
o  If there's enough ammo and healing in a level
o  If all the sounds sound appropriate and good

Send us your beta reports as soon as possible!
This goes out by March 22nd for sure!  Aaah!


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
14.04.1992  04:35             1.024 AUDIODCT.WL3 7af30a3a43dcffb32e8349952415c2e0
10.05.1992  14:48             1.132 AUDIOHED.WL3 9098dcc61ec6e82a58aaf970dca89aae
10.05.1992  14:48           316.679 AUDIOT.WL3   4b6f54f65b08a0e0249766324e46dd8a
07.04.1992  23:02               508 CONFIG.WL3   27778547fb7e7f908fabe88bb1eb4580
14.05.1992  02:26               402 MAPHEAD.WL3  5461f92b4a09ed471c2403670e5f45d4
14.05.1992  02:26           144.896 MAPTEMP.WL3  8eb684d9eb6103513fa16bacb1bac5f1
14.05.1992  03:30               458 README!.TXT  73bc0353f5e458fe02ea1e162285ab28
14.05.1992  04:08             1.024 VGADICT.WL3  834b09a4c7deb5eb1038c29fb5b8201c
14.05.1992  04:08           301.690 VGAGRAPH.WL3 2434da79393a01e4d5246e56444650bb
14.05.1992  04:08               468 VGAHEAD.WL3  f1bf50fcf6ac388a0466a1fcd2810429
14.05.1992  01:58         1.183.232 VSWAP.WL3    250283e7a0fce4f365ca95571413e671
14.05.1992  04:14            97.727 WOLF3D.EXE   c54b973e7661ad2ade9c4b002737791b
              12 Datei(en),      2.049.240 Bytes


Version 1.1 (1992-05-31) 6-Episode Beta

Thanks to gerolf 👍

Compiled May 31, 1992
VGA version


Beta Testers:

Here is the FINAL BETA of Id Software's Wolfenstein 3-D product.
All six episodes are finished, with the following exceptions:
        * All the PARs aren't set (the 1:30 ones)
        * The High Scores screen doesn't show episode #'s
Play them all (mostly 4-6; you've already played 2-3, right?) and
tell us what you think about the new wall graphics (lots of 'em)
and bosses.  Schabbs should now be at an appropriate level of
toughness, and Hitler is MUCH tougher.

We're releasing this game REALLY SOON -- so the first BETA reports
that come out will help us the MOST!  Thanks for everything guys.
If you would like an autographed copy of the Wolf3d Hint Book,
send Jay a message requesting one.

John Romero
Id Software, Inc.


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
30.05.1992  22:41             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 3bfac1f5de61d8a1a7df949fbde873fc
30.05.1992  22:41           317.049 AUDIOT.WL6   2150bc7150f7fa96f7c33d3509a99c5a
07.04.1992  22:58               508 CONFIG.WL6   27778547fb7e7f908fabe88bb1eb4580
31.05.1992  02:16               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  e84db3ccb185baea51fd3497e9bd6da3
31.05.1992  02:16           304.558 MAPTEMP.WL6  737cb44a39e26500da45abb1a1829292
31.05.1992  02:10               792 README.TXT   e4ac36c82a7acc6e417705a9b7ac5236
31.05.1992  02:48             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  cac4245c6c2054103cb80619a20ae1c7
31.05.1992  02:48           300.189 VGAGRAPH.WL6 c325adf8cd8f0deb64aed15f81130a90
31.05.1992  02:48               477 VGAHEAD.WL6  5cd726dd0bd786ecadf403f561ea01bb
28.05.1992  22:19         1.545.912 VSWAP.WL6    a64e408723ecb6b33838d5c14998d28e
31.05.1992  02:52            98.553 WOLF3D.EXE   1794a9fb9e0b26c4a915775b2feb099f
              11 Datei(en),      2.570.620 Bytes


Further releases

Version 1.0 to 1.1 Patch (1992-06-01)

Released June 01, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released for Shareware version


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
01.06.1992  19:48               578 DELPAT.BAT   71115ccee29dc6c4ced4b1061c017086
01.06.1992  19:48           323.419 PATCH.RTP    9c9199553e363eb9ac4affc671e976f4
01.06.1992  19:48             1.097 READ-NOW.W3D bd85c90569fab547af6da1f95c24e009
01.06.1992  19:48             3.134 RUNME.BAT    25572ebf5fae1cdf02b2210b54242b1c
01.06.1992  19:48            76.981 WPATCH.EXE   5a82dcdaa195b7780fb4d4b6a745ffa7
               5 Datei(en),        405.209 Bytes

Version 1.1 (1992-06-01)

Released June 1, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as Shareware version

Removed features

New features

General changes

Graphical changes

Level design changes

Fixed bugs


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
01.06.1992  11:10             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL1 58aa1b9892d5adfa725fab343d9446f8
01.06.1992  11:10           132.613 AUDIOT.WL1   d0fbaa02e8659afb80caf59398cda4b4
01.06.1992  11:10            27.448 GAMEMAPS.WL1 d50dfc66596c00622cf5731a7a071858
01.06.1992  11:10               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  d1b36a2025603c6d21d52c4f69b34902
01.06.1992  11:10               976 README.WL1   f7ee80cbbfe12da504cae8b59835c369
01.06.1992  11:10                 3 V1.1         dadafe066983ab646e8550013fb7da13
01.06.1992  11:10             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  d868d2a672547e89586c33827a43bdaf
01.06.1992  11:10           296.826 VGAGRAPH.WL1 67922b6d026ced8f0830075359d31b5b
01.06.1992  11:10               462 VGAHEAD.WL1  fbe02c3719e1081f0f5a48dc4519691a
01.06.1992  11:10           742.912 VSWAP.WL1    c2cd4a5d3d4fef10e9da342f82ee3d8d
01.06.1992  11:10            97.605 WOLF3D.EXE   a10b4097904600600744a49d1c05ad8d
              11 Datei(en),      1.301.427 Bytes


Version 1.1 (1992-06-14)

Released June 14, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as 3-Episode and 6-Episode version

General changes

Graphical changes

Level design changes

Fixed bugs

New bugs



File listing - 3-Episode version


File listing - 6-Episode version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
10.06.1992  12:10             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 3bfac1f5de61d8a1a7df949fbde873fc
10.06.1992  12:10           317.049 AUDIOT.WL6   bb228b96fc12f2a658fc8033637ec051
10.06.1992  12:10           150.746 GAMEMAPS.WL6 05ee51e9bc7d60f01a05334b1cfab1a5
10.06.1992  12:10               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  accc0231d871a4350da4374d87b57d88
10.06.1992  12:10             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  d159e885f32e2355c6a31eaef350b902
10.06.1992  12:10           302.374 VGAGRAPH.WL6 977242319585dbd9a47c666d4b93fb3f
10.06.1992  12:10               477 VGAHEAD.WL6  9f0a9da0a8ac0b831c2fb5efd1a1e6fb
10.06.1992  12:10         1.545.400 VSWAP.WL6    82c20804eea23067e83bef88605cf982
10.06.1992  12:10            98.402 WOLF3D.EXE   9a1d0ba1e2224133966876993519806c
               9 Datei(en),      2.417.030 Bytes

Screenshots - 3 and 6-Episode version

Version 1.1 to 1.2 Patch (1992-06-28)

Released June 28, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released for Shareware, 3-Episode and 6-Episode version

This patch is also known as “The elevator fix”.


To use this patch for Wolfenstein 3-D, you must copy the two files
(MAPHEAD.WL? and GAMEMAPS.WL?) to your current Wolfenstein 3-D
directory.  Doing this will erase the current equivalent files,
but that's exactly what you want to do.

This patch will allow you to access the secret level from the first
episode (first level) of the game.

Thank you.  If you want to get the full version shareware version
that has this fix, look for file name #1WOLF12.ZIP.

Thank you,
Apogee Software

File listing - Shareware version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
22.06.1992  14:17            27.450 GAMEMAPS.WL1 f0bedeb1ba51baab557328693665ade2
22.06.1992  14:17               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  b9dcbe2d8c750dd0e64e498709144ba9
28.06.1992  01:21               501 PATCH.DOC    24fc31ee6499c90e70d062e779a7dd17
               3 Datei(en),         28.353 Bytes

File listing - 3-Episode version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
22.06.1992  14:16            71.141 GAMEMAPS.WL3 cec494930f3ac0545563cbd23cd611d6
22.06.1992  14:16               402 MAPHEAD.WL3  37b7c2ecbdb2cd68c1ed8c381da06709
28.06.1992  01:21               501 PATCH.DOC    24fc31ee6499c90e70d062e779a7dd17
               3 Datei(en),         72.044 Bytes

File listing - 6-Episode version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
22.06.1992  11:34           150.758 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a15b04941937b7e136419a1e74e57e2f
22.06.1992  11:34               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  42c7b607a33be82143e6525d481b8beb
28.06.1992  01:21               501 PATCH.DOC    24fc31ee6499c90e70d062e779a7dd17
               3 Datei(en),        151.661 Bytes

Version 1.2 (1992-06-25/28)

Registered version released June 25, 1992
Shareware version released June 28, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as Shareware, 3-Episode and 6-Episode version

Level design changes

Fixed bugs

New bugs


File listing - Shareware version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
22.06.1992  11:11             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL1 58aa1b9892d5adfa725fab343d9446f8
22.06.1992  11:11           132.613 AUDIOT.WL1   4b6109e957b584e4ad7f376961f3887e
22.06.1992  11:11            27.450 GAMEMAPS.WL1 f0bedeb1ba51baab557328693665ade2
22.06.1992  11:11               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  b9dcbe2d8c750dd0e64e498709144ba9
22.06.1992  11:11               976 README.WL1   f7ee80cbbfe12da504cae8b59835c369
22.06.1992  11:11             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  ae59f89bef0bf7c868add5c15c9025c8
22.06.1992  11:11           296.813 VGAGRAPH.WL1 6368777d56f85f04624ae10bb896a415
22.06.1992  11:11               462 VGAHEAD.WL1  d898ae0616b5c617b80991ff65eb7cd4
22.06.1992  11:11           742.912 VSWAP.WL1    2134317f8e508e8cd1958572145f1f4a
22.06.1992  11:11            97.676 WOLF3D.EXE   1b1146a8059130b428e4b5f8ba361fa0
              10 Datei(en),      1.301.484 Bytes

Screenshots - Shareware version

File listing - 3-Episode version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
22.06.1992  11:11             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL3 3bfac1f5de61d8a1a7df949fbde873fc
22.06.1992  11:11           317.049 AUDIOT.WL3   bb228b96fc12f2a658fc8033637ec051
22.06.1992  11:11            71.141 GAMEMAPS.WL3 cec494930f3ac0545563cbd23cd611d6
22.06.1992  11:11               402 MAPHEAD.WL3  37b7c2ecbdb2cd68c1ed8c381da06709
22.06.1992  11:11             1.024 VGADICT.WL3  91faee015a71ab10a055594e58676754
22.06.1992  11:11           300.914 VGAGRAPH.WL3 d2e91743d57c8b69abfd0d409b402880
22.06.1992  11:11               468 VGAHEAD.WL3  99f935f709d0b321bf7e802ad475561a
22.06.1992  11:11         1.265.152 VSWAP.WL3    5c1dca14b022bf54e57d6c285f34a057
22.06.1992  11:11            98.402 WOLF3D.EXE   9a1d0ba1e2224133966876993519806c
               9 Datei(en),      2.055.708 Bytes

File listing - 6-Episode version

Thanks to silentnight 👍

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
22.06.1992  11:11             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 3bfac1f5de61d8a1a7df949fbde873fc
22.06.1992  11:11           317.049 AUDIOT.WL6   bb228b96fc12f2a658fc8033637ec051
22.06.1992  11:11           150.758 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a15b04941937b7e136419a1e74e57e2f
22.06.1992  11:11               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  42c7b607a33be82143e6525d481b8beb
22.06.1992  11:11             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  d159e885f32e2355c6a31eaef350b902
22.06.1992  11:11           302.374 VGAGRAPH.WL6 977242319585dbd9a47c666d4b93fb3f
22.06.1992  11:11               477 VGAHEAD.WL6  9f0a9da0a8ac0b831c2fb5efd1a1e6fb
22.06.1992  11:11         1.545.400 VSWAP.WL6    82c20804eea23067e83bef88605cf982
22.06.1992  11:11            98.402 WOLF3D.EXE   9a1d0ba1e2224133966876993519806c
               9 Datei(en),      2.417.042 Bytes

Screenshots - 3 and 6-Episode version

Version 1.3

Never released

Version 1.4 (1992-11-01)

Released November 1, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as Shareware, 3-Episode and 6-Episode version

New features

General changes

Graphical changes

Level design changes

Fixed bugs


File listing - Shareware version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
06.06.1992  14:06             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL1 58aa1b9892d5adfa725fab343d9446f8
06.06.1992  14:06           132.613 AUDIOT.WL1   4b6109e957b584e4ad7f376961f3887e
28.08.1992  20:56            27.425 GAMEMAPS.WL1 30fecd7cce6bc70402651ec922d2da3d
28.08.1992  20:56               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  7b6dd4e55c33c33a41d1600be5df3228
08.10.1992  19:59             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  b0339c09404875813882dc7ed05ebac7
08.10.1992  19:59           326.561 VGAGRAPH.WL1 56b2f6dec7dd920603428b519dd67fad
08.10.1992  19:59               471 VGAHEAD.WL1  41935c02a25e383f74058bf3584bb95f
27.08.1992  08:45           742.912 VSWAP.WL1    6efa079414b817c97db779cecfb081c9
08.10.1992  23:28           109.959 W3D-E1.EXE   998945a6c0cedc2634b539a26b7f60a6
               9 Datei(en),      1.342.523 Bytes

Screenshots - Shareware version

File listing - 3-Episode version


File listing - 6-Episode version


Screenshots - 3 and 6-Episode version


Version 1.4 (1992-12-15/22)

Registered version released December 15, 1992
Shareware version released December 22, 1992
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as Shareware, 3-Episode and 6-Episode version

General changes


File listing - Shareware version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
03.12.1992  09:29             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL1 58aa1b9892d5adfa725fab343d9446f8
03.12.1992  09:29           132.613 AUDIOT.WL1   4b6109e957b584e4ad7f376961f3887e
22.12.1992  12:23            34.101 CATALOG.EXE  630e90f10533669bb6457f9ed6c8e82c
03.12.1992  09:29            27.425 GAMEMAPS.WL1 30fecd7cce6bc70402651ec922d2da3d
03.12.1992  09:29               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  7b6dd4e55c33c33a41d1600be5df3228
22.05.1992  12:37             2.564 ORDER.FRM    46ef18545c84a5292d318d1fefd993eb
17.12.1992  05:34             6.090 READ1ST.TXT  01ae4413c4c37f8fde803a1423f1a960
22.12.1992  12:31             1.221 VENDOR.DOC   862874001d78ee1467f29835b308818e
03.12.1992  09:29             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  76a6128f3c0dd9b77939ce8313992746
03.12.1992  09:29           326.568 VGAGRAPH.WL1 74decb641b1a4faed173e10ab744bff0
03.12.1992  09:29               471 VGAHEAD.WL1  61bf1616e78367853c91f2c04e2c1cb7
03.12.1992  09:29           742.912 VSWAP.WL1    6efa079414b817c97db779cecfb081c9
03.12.1992  09:29           109.959 WOLF3D.EXE   998945a6c0cedc2634b539a26b7f60a6
              13 Datei(en),      1.386.506 Bytes

Screenshots - Shareware version

File listing - 3-Episode version


File listing - 6-Episode version


Screenshots - 3 and 6-Episode version


Version 1.4 (1993-08-03) (The no-cheats version)

Released August 3, 1993
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as Shareware, 3-Episode and 6-Episode version

Changes compared to Version 1.4 (1992-12-15/22)

General changes


File listing - Shareware version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
01.01.1993  11:40           (1.156) AUDIOHED.WL1 58aa1b9892d5adfa725fab343d9446f8
01.01.1993  11:40           132.613 AUDIOT.WL1   4b6109e957b584e4ad7f376961f3887e
03.08.1993  11:00          (28.715) CATALOG.EXE  3c6d37aef5858866f3a1b1280221bb3e
01.01.1993  11:40          (27.425) GAMEMAPS.WL1 30fecd7cce6bc70402651ec922d2da3d
01.01.1993  11:40               402 MAPHEAD.WL1  7b6dd4e55c33c33a41d1600be5df3228
03.08.1993  11:00             3.321 ORDER.FRM    622e8c1cef3dcab0ee4fb2b081454d39
01.01.1993  11:40             1.024 VGADICT.WL1  76a6128f3c0dd9b77939ce8313992746
01.01.1993  11:40         (326.568) VGAGRAPH.WL1 74decb641b1a4faed173e10ab744bff0
01.01.1993  11:40             (471) VGAHEAD.WL1  61bf1616e78367853c91f2c04e2c1cb7
01.01.1993  11:40           742.912 VSWAP.WL1    6efa079414b817c97db779cecfb081c9
01.01.1993  11:40         (109.959) WOLF3D.EXE   87b311d6383c5df2aad6f4963d13995c
              11 Datei(en),      1.374.566 Bytes

Screenshots - Shareware version

File listing - 3-Episode version

Thanks to gerolf 👍

01.01.1993  20:40             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL3 3bfac1f5de61d8a1a7df949fbde873fc
01.01.1993  20:40           317.049 AUDIOT.WL3   bb228b96fc12f2a658fc8033637ec051
01.01.1993  20:40            70.957 GAMEMAPS.WL3 8d9f2c0f47e02d405a6b785217679299
01.01.1993  20:40               402 MAPHEAD.WL3  e2c198389a3e112fcee9eed0ad2e5784
01.01.1993  20:40             1.024 VGADICT.WL3  551032afa9376a653fb1a9c89d016115
01.01.1993  20:40           331.199 VGAGRAPH.WL3 cdfd8fda49da38891247ce156b5816d8
01.01.1993  20:40               477 VGAHEAD.WL3  e440c6b8364049d891d50857f98d4819
01.01.1993  20:40         1.265.152 VSWAP.WL3    5c1dca14b022bf54e57d6c285f34a057
01.01.1993  20:40           110.715 WOLF3D.EXE   da82afe5e7c8098b1d3d762775d7853a
               9 Datei(en),      2.098.131 Bytes

File listing - 6-Episode version

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
01.01.1993  11:40           (1.156) AUDIOHED.WL6 a41af25a2f193e7d4afbcc4301b3d1ce
01.01.1993  11:40         (320.209) AUDIOT.WL6   2385b488b18f8721633e5b2bdf054853
01.01.1993  11:40         (150.652) GAMEMAPS.WL6 a4e73706e100dc0cadfb02d23de46481
01.01.1993  11:40               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  b8d2a78bc7c50da7ec9ab1d94f7975e1
01.01.1993  11:40             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  adb10b0d6fdddba9fcc3d1a7c16937e7
01.01.1993  11:40         (334.506) VGAGRAPH.WL6 4e96d7b4e89a5b3a4beeebf5d7d87eb7
01.01.1993  11:40               486 VGAHEAD.WL6  a08905e2b0d299b3fad259f90c0efb1a
01.01.1993  11:40       (1.545.400) VSWAP.WL6    a6d901dfb455dfac96db5e4705837cdb
01.01.1993  11:40           110.715 WOLF3D.EXE   3bd10f3cd7236f4706eda3d19cb6c4a1
              10 Datei(en),      2.464.550 Bytes

Screenshots - 3 and 6-Episode version

Version 1.4 (1993-09-03) (id Software, Inc.)

Released September 3, 1993
Distributed by id Software, Inc. respectively Mindscape, Inc.
Released as 6-Episode version

Removed features

General changes

Graphical changes


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
04.02.1993  14:01             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 a41af25a2f193e7d4afbcc4301b3d1ce
04.02.1993  14:01           320.209 AUDIOT.WL6   2385b488b18f8721633e5b2bdf054853
04.02.1993  13:54           150.652 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a4e73706e100dc0cadfb02d23de46481
04.02.1993  13:54               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  b8d2a78bc7c50da7ec9ab1d94f7975e1
02.09.1993  18:54             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  ccad1a688ebafad9856eca085a20dfc4
02.09.1993  18:54           276.096 VGAGRAPH.WL6 f18b07d6ba988b8505415f7446235366
02.09.1993  18:54               450 VGAHEAD.WL6  9059afb104a51140bd0c127b73717197
04.02.1993  14:02         1.545.400 VSWAP.WL6    a6d901dfb455dfac96db5e4705837cdb
03.09.1993  11:25           259.310 WOLF3D.EXE   8ed31fa77d893d8553279af131fdb296
               9 Datei(en),      2.554.699 Bytes


Version 1.4 (1993-09-13) (GT Interactive, Inc.)

Released September 13, 1993
Distributed by GT Interactive, Inc.
Released as 6-Episode version

Graphical changes

File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
04.02.1993  14:01             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 a41af25a2f193e7d4afbcc4301b3d1ce
04.02.1993  14:01           320.209 AUDIOT.WL6   2385b488b18f8721633e5b2bdf054853
04.02.1993  13:54           150.652 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a4e73706e100dc0cadfb02d23de46481
04.02.1993  13:54               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  b8d2a78bc7c50da7ec9ab1d94f7975e1
13.09.1993  11:41             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  6208972e3235d27abd8809e4addb94dd
13.09.1993  11:41           275.782 VGAGRAPH.WL6 b7afba708774f954f5168396744f9495
13.09.1993  11:41               450 VGAHEAD.WL6  a4357d285773ff4ed314655ddeba44e7
04.02.1993  14:02         1.545.400 VSWAP.WL6    a6d901dfb455dfac96db5e4705837cdb
02.09.1993  18:59           259.310 WOLF3D.EXE   e3cc1ffe63c05d53c2fac7f829e3f97c
               9 Datei(en),      2.554.385 Bytes


Version 1.4 (1994-04-13) (GT Interactive, Inc.)

Released April 13, 1994
Distributed by GT Interactive, Inc.
Released as 6-Episode version

Removed features

Graphical changes

New bugs


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
12.04.1994  23:40             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 a41af25a2f193e7d4afbcc4301b3d1ce
12.04.1994  23:40           320.209 AUDIOT.WL6   2385b488b18f8721633e5b2bdf054853
12.04.1994  23:40           150.652 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a4e73706e100dc0cadfb02d23de46481
12.04.1994  23:40               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  b8d2a78bc7c50da7ec9ab1d94f7975e1
12.04.1994  23:40             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  dec8939cff5a4ec27ae7b43e8f52ec28
12.04.1994  23:40           275.774 VGAGRAPH.WL6 8b40b5b785f898e229bf1c2f2e3ee003
12.04.1994  23:40               450 VGAHEAD.WL6  8e75e3ffb842ed3d08abe6ffea97b231
12.04.1994  23:40         1.544.376 VSWAP.WL6    b8ff4997461bafa5ef2a94c11f9de001
12.04.1994  23:40           109.589 WOLF3D.EXE   56f24e74ad4fe1836b0ac9047e59df78
               9 Datei(en),      2.403.632 Bytes


Version 1.4g (1994-10-01)

Released October 1, 1994
Distributed by Apogee Software, Ltd.
Released as 6-Episode version

Changes compared to Version 1.4 (1993-08-03) (The no-cheats version)

General changes


File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
01.10.1994  11:40             1.073 AARDWOLF.TXT 081bd2a7887057498c7a209218cc38fb
01.10.1994  11:40             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 a41af25a2f193e7d4afbcc4301b3d1ce
01.10.1994  11:40           320.209 AUDIOT.WL6   2385b488b18f8721633e5b2bdf054853
01.10.1994  11:40           150.652 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a4e73706e100dc0cadfb02d23de46481
01.10.1994  11:40             2.606 LICENSE.DOC  00ff49882c301cff6aca11700fb59e49
01.10.1994  11:40               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  b8d2a78bc7c50da7ec9ab1d94f7975e1
01.10.1994  11:40             5.913 ORDER.FRM    0d31f362153df49087d40ce132c8a24e
01.10.1994  11:40            76.751 SETBLAST.EXE 6b5c21fcb4aba0afb9e46a465f3cb63e
01.10.1994  11:40             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  adb10b0d6fdddba9fcc3d1a7c16937e7
01.10.1994  11:40           334.506 VGAGRAPH.WL6 4e96d7b4e89a5b3a4beeebf5d7d87eb7
01.10.1994  11:40               486 VGAHEAD.WL6  a08905e2b0d299b3fad259f90c0efb1a
01.10.1994  11:40         1.545.400 VSWAP.WL6    a6d901dfb455dfac96db5e4705837cdb
01.10.1994  11:40           110.715 WOLF3D.EXE   da82afe5e7c8098b1d3d762775d7853a
              13 Datei(en),      2.550.893 Bytes


Version 1.4 (1998-03-13) (Activision Publishing, Inc.)

Released March 13, 1998
Distributed by Activision Publishing, Inc.
Released as 6-Episode version

Changes compared to Version 1.4 (1994-04-13) (GT Interactive, Inc.)

Graphical changes



File listing

                                                 |----------- md5sum -----------|
13.04.1994  05:40             1.156 AUDIOHED.WL6 a41af25a2f193e7d4afbcc4301b3d1ce
13.04.1994  05:40           320.209 AUDIOT.WL6   2385b488b18f8721633e5b2bdf054853
13.04.1994  05:40           150.652 GAMEMAPS.WL6 a4e73706e100dc0cadfb02d23de46481
13.04.1994  05:40               402 MAPHEAD.WL6  b8d2a78bc7c50da7ec9ab1d94f7975e1
13.04.1994  05:40             1.024 VGADICT.WL6  dec8939cff5a4ec27ae7b43e8f52ec28
13.04.1994  05:40           275.774 VGAGRAPH.WL6 8b40b5b785f898e229bf1c2f2e3ee003
13.04.1994  05:40               450 VGAHEAD.WL6  8e75e3ffb842ed3d08abe6ffea97b231
13.04.1994  05:40         1.544.376 VSWAP.WL6    b8ff4997461bafa5ef2a94c11f9de001
02.09.1997  16:04             2.238 WOLF.ICO     dee97b065055ba5f21d4f1df737c1228
27.01.1998  19:13           108.779 WOLF3D.EXE   ce402023d1c5dc16307c62df639940cb
              10 Datei(en),      2.405.060 Bytes


All time stamps are given in UTC (GMT).